Walk to Berlin
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Tommy Roberts jr. Walks 700 kilometers to Berlin
In August 2005 TJ and his Dad decided: We walk from Kempten to Berlin – for a job. In their backs: A lot of impotant awards and many fans, but (or just because of this): The new CD have to become much more better! And not with the contract offers, which would have wanted Tommy to do something else as what he already did with the age of eleven – with his love for the American music.
After six weeks and 700 kilometers the two want to ring at Universal Music in order to take their business philosophy with the words: “We have to and we want to create new basic conditions, in order to concentrate on that for what we stand for: Music. More then ever before we should set on young artists, who give new impulses to the music. Future is done. And we do this now
“ (Quotation Universal Music)11 Seiten: « 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I never walk alone
![]() Thursday, September 15th, 2005 The walk is one thing, but sleep without having a roof over the head or go to sleep when you are thirsty? No, the family is growing up – today we picked up that big RV, with that the Hymer AG support our walk to Berlin. After that we went to Mineralbrunnen AG: They calculated a need ofnearly 500 liters liquid till we arrive Berlin. In the form of soft drinks by Krumbacher are available for us everyday. There is goose skin, if I see who is standing beside us: all you all over there in our guestbook, but also all the sponsors that give us some material like laptop, shoes and other more and sacrifice some know how and time for us. Because of this a very big THANK YOU SO MUCH! Only seven days until we start
![]() Tuesday, September 12th, 2005 Well, slowly it will be serious and Iīm very happy that we will start soon. Many people asked me by e-mail who will be with us at our walk to Berlin, where we will sleep, if we are reachable and and and...... Of course we planed our march with some clever people – and you donīt have to worry. But now some answers: My whole family will come with me, my mother will drive the RV, in which we will sleep and transport all the instruments and catering, my brother Kevin the “map scout”, he will taking pictures and will talk to the agencies about current things, dates for the press and will write the diary, my dad will walk with me and our dachshund Julchen is our bodyguard. We are very strained about our march and visits of friends and fans on our walk. A club from Minden already declared that they want to charter a bus and want to visit us with nearly 60 persons. Fans from Munich, Collone, Bochum, Bremen, Steinfeld, Erfurt, Magdeburg, Leipzig, Berlin and even from Switzerland and Liechtenstein want to do the same – I already feel like Forest Gump...haha... Here on our webpage you are able to read all our adventures from the walk in our diary, watch pictures and get to know if we need supplies of band-aid for all the blisters. Please understand, that we wonīt be available in that time, but we receive all the e-mails to and we also look into our online – guestbook. It would be great if there where some fans on our walk where we can do our laundry – well very simple problems that come up if you want to wak 700 kilometers. Tommy Roberts jr. Want to walk 700 kilometers to Berlin
![]() Saturday, August 27th, 2005 ...the best I will tell you the whole story from the beginning Very early in the morning, somewhen between 4 am and 6 am. Dad and me were sitting in the garden, our feet on the table, many kilometers on the road in our bones, and be back again from a very great gig. Our little house in front of us, all the fans in our memory – like so often after a nice show. Nearly everybody of you out there asked for a new CD – and now we already had a bad conscience. The records could be finished, but there is another take, and go into the studio again – we werenīt satisfied. One more cool song on that CD, this record again, booking Dadīs favorite musicians...and at the end there was a very high bill – for the copy rights, mastering, costs for the studio, Gema and the smallest part, the pressing inclusive the cover print. Even our agency is waiting – because the design is finished. “Why donīt we have a CD that is as well as our live-shows” we asked ourselves. I said – no, I heard me saying: “I would go to Berlin, to Universal Music or somewhere else, to knock on the door – just for one chance. Only one time to call on them or even to audition to them.” “Just do it”, Dad was laughing. “You have already all the awards – there are just 700 ridiculous kilomters missing...” He wasnīt conscious about the consequences. If Iīm honest – me too. “Yeah – letīs be some children of the road – on the road again...” Dad was smiling. We looked to our feet, that layed on the table. And I asked him: “Would you go with me?” “You never walk alon” Dad answered. “That distance that we walk in a circle for the new CD, that distance can we go straight ahead – to Berlin.” Later, we didnīt sleep very long, for brunch we told my Mom this plan, and she said that we are absolutly stupid. Dad drunk his coffee and drove to Kempten and told Stephan (the man of our agency) our plan. He listend a very long time and said: “Donīt walk in the next moment because I couldnīt be up to date – just let make some excercise ECGīs, and walk 25 kilometers on one day.” – And: “You never walk alone.” The excercise ECGīs were good, Dad and me walked some 25 kilometers a day.... More will be there in the next week, if everything is clear. We will keep you up to date. I swear. Your Tommy jr. |